Saturday, August 22, 2009

Infant boy clothing – How to swaddle your infant boy

Swaddling is the art form of wrapping your newborn in a wrap or blanket to keep him feeling safe, warm and secure. The main reasons for swaddling newborns are if they are struggling to sleep, they are uncomfortable, crying or restless, if baby is bothered by his jerky reflex arm movements or if your child has been overstimulated.

Please make sure before you swaddle your newborn that they do not need to be fed or changed. It is important to make sure the wrap is not too tight or too loose. If it is too tight you may restrict your baby’s circulation. If the wrap is too loose it may be kicked off making the chances of the wrap covering the face greater. Your baby’s face and neck must to be uncovered so the airway can be kept clear. There is also a higher risk of SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome) when his face is covered.

When swaddling your baby the first thing to do is lay your wrap on a flat surface in the shape of a diamond. Place baby on top. Then take the left hand side corner and bring it across the baby’s body and tuck the corner under the baby. Next take the right hand corner of the wrap and bring it across baby’s body and tuck under. Take the bottom corner and bring it up and tuck the two sides around to the back. Baby will feel secure like he is back in the womb. The best thing to do is to practise, practise and practise.

Some babies enjoy being swaddled while others do not. A lot of parents only swaddle their babies for the first month or two. Once a baby starts to roll by themselves parents need to consider whether it is still safe. As a parent you need to watch your child’s reaction and decide if swaddling is right for you and your infant boy.

For more information go to this website: Infant Boy Clothing